Support The 2017 Polar Plunge

It's time to get serious about the Polar Plunge! We need to pledge our support now to Craig's and Dave's plunges.
Dave Gardner and Craig Celli have signed up to represent our club in the plunge. Click here to pledge your support for Dave’s plunge. Click here for the link to support Craig’s plunge. And, you can sign up for the plunge yourself! Click here to visit Mobile Cause and click Become a Fundraiser.
When: February 4, 2017  11:00 AM
Where: Cape Ann Motor Inn, Gloucester
This is our chance to help the children of the world by helping to fund polio eradication efforts. In 1988 there were 350,000 new cases of Polio worldwide. Through October 2016 there have only been 27 new cases. The goal of Rotary and its partners is to completely eradicate the polio virus. Without the complete eradication the virus could infect 100,000 within 10 years.
The members of the 47 clubs in our District have come together over the last several years for our annual Polar Plunge event at Long Beach. These members and supporters have made a significant statement of caring for the children of the world.
Thank you for supporting this year’s Polar Plunge!