It is with great pleasure that the Stoneham Rotary Club reports on its extremely successful literacy project for Stoneham Kindergarten students. Through a generous donation from Stoneham Ford, the club purchased three titles focused on the experiences new students have in their first days going to school through Book Oasis, our local bookstore.

Eighty-six books of each title were delivered to three different schools, including South School, Colonial Park School, and the Robin Hood School. Each school received one title, and when the students complete their title, the books will rotate to the next school until all three books have been read.

When the books have been fully circulated, a portion of the three titles will be distributed to each school and to the public library. The books have all had bookplates placed so future students will know that the Rotary Club of Stoneham is an advocate for learning to read and we hope that this project becomes an annual program. Over 100 students will have the opportunity to read each of these selected titles.

The response was amazing as seen in the photographs and we hope it builds their interest in reading and ultimately has a positive impact on their reading enjoyment and ability.

Thanks to Craig Celli for his collaboration with the teachers, getting the books ordered, and distributing them to each of the schools with Club President Rosanna Rodriguez.

Golf Ball Drop Fundraiser

How would you like to have a chance to win up to $2,500 while also supporting our scholarship program for a Stoneham High School student?

Then consider buying a ticket or a series of tickets to our first-ever golf ball drop. The club is hoping to sell at least 500 chances to this fundraiser which will be a 50/50 distribution of the total dollars raised. The more we sell, the more you win. The tickets are only $10 per chance, and you can get them from a club member or visit Rotary's Ice Cream Sundae Booth during Town Day. You can also buy them online here:
We will number balls from 1-500 (or higher), and a number will be assigned to every ticket. On October 24th at 1:00 pm, fire professionals from Stoneham will lift the bucket of balls and drop all the golf balls from their ladder truck onto the practice green at Unicorn Golf Course. The first ball that drops into the hole will be the winner. If no ball ends up in the cup, the one closest to the pin will be declared the winner.
Thank you, and good luck!

Sign up to Volunteer for Town Day Today!

Town Day was established to celebrate and showcase the Town of Stoneham and its business, recreation, artistic, cultural, and nonprofit communities. Our Club has a tradition of providing ice cream sundaes at the event, and we will be doing so again this year, along with selling raffle tickets to our Golf Ball Drop. Setup begins at 8:30 am; the event runs from 11:00 am - 4:00 pm. Cleanup and breakdown will take an additional hour.
This is an excellent event for our entire Club to come together and make the day a success.
Then click on the 2023 Town Day button to sign up!
We look forward to a fun Town Day!

Stoneham Rotary Welcomes Our Two New Members

The Rotary Club of Stoneham Membership Chair Craig Celli (Century 21 Celli) recently welcomed two new members to the Club – Stonehamites Justin Katz and Lucas Brown Esq.

Justin is a Stoneham native, attended Stoneham High School and was involved with the Greater Boston Stage Company, Stoneham TV, the Boy Scouts of America, town and travel soccer, and the Stoneham High School Drama Club. Justin received his Bachelor of Science from Fitchburg State University - graduating Cum Laude - with a major in professional film & video production and a minor in theatre. He then focused on directing and producing music-related film content, working with companies including Bose and Sony, with artists such as Yo-Yo Ma, Emanuel Ax, and Leonidas Kavakos, and served as in-house video producer at the New England Conservatory of Music.

Justin returned to Stoneham and in 2022 decided to shift focus and to establish Katz Cleaning, a residential cleaning business with an emphasis on using only safe and eco-friendly products and offering a service that is always approached with the utmost respect and care to its customers and their homes.


Lucas is a real estate Attorney for the law firm of Crowley & Cummings, LLC, specializing in both residential and commercial real estate conveyancing, acquisition, and development. Along with his practice and guiding numerous buyers, sellers, developers, and lenders through various real estate matters using his extensive experience in both contract negotiation and title resolution, he teaches continuing education courses for real estate agents throughout Massachusetts as well as guest speaking at various homebuyer seminars throughout the Greater Boston Area.

Lucas earned his Bachelor of Arts degree from Bucknell University, and Juris Doctor from Suffolk University Law School. During his time in law school, he had the opportunity to clerk for the Honorable Alexander H. Sands, III (Ret.) at the Massachusetts Land Court where he gained invaluable experience in the areas of zoning and land use law.

A current resident of Stoneham, MA, Lucas has served as an Associate Member of the Stoneham Board of Appeals and is a current member of the Stoneham Chamber of Commerce.

“We are so excited to welcome Justin and Lucas to our club,” noted Mr. Celli in his introduction of the two new members. “They each bring talents and fresh perspectives that will help our club thrive. We look forward to working with them.  We hope that this trend will grow stronger this year and that we will welcome even more individuals who are looking to make a difference in our community through the fellowship of Rotary.” 

2023 Installation and Recognition Dinner

On Tuesday, June 27th, we will gather at Gaetano’s Restaurant at 271 Main Street in Stoneham at 6:00 pm for a social hour followed by dinner at 7:00 pm. The program will start after dinner.

We will be celebrating the accomplishments of the Stoneham Interact and Rotary Clubs over the past year and celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Rotary Club of Stoneham.

Several Rotarians and Interactors will be presented with Paul Harris Awards, and we will install next year's leadership team.

The cost for the event will be $40 for Rotarians and guests, and the club will cover the cost of all Interactors attending.

You will have a choice of:

Baked Haddock
Chicken, Broccoli, and Ziti
Chicken Parmigiana
or a Vegetarian meal.

To register or modify your registration, please click this link: Register/Modify Registration.

Even as they recognize that club members hold a variety of beliefs and values, all club, district, and zone leaders should use good judgment in conducting meetings, events, and other activities in a way that reflects Rotary's principles of tolerance.

The leaders of Rotary Action Groups and Rotary Fellowships should use the same good judgment to make sure their meetings and events are safe and inclusive environments that reflect our principles.

Members must follow the Rotarian Code of Conduct

As a Rotarian, I will:

  • Act with integrity and high ethical standards in my personal and professional life
  • Deal fairly with others and treat them and their occupations with respect 
  • Use my professional skills through Rotary to mentor young people, help those with special needs, and improve people’s quality of life in my community and in the world
  • Avoid behavior that reflects adversely on Rotary or other Rotarians
  • Help maintain a harassment-free environment in Rotary meetings, events, and activities, report any suspected harassment, and help ensure non-retaliation to those individuals who report harassment

The Rotarian Code of Conduct applies to members from all cultures. Although the customs and norms of cultures vary, it's always important to be aware of what's appropriate. Take your cues from the person who is receiving your comments and actions.

Rotary Club of Stoneham’s members and their guests met at Stoneham Community Television studios for their bi-weekly luncheon meeting.
Attendees wrote messages on hundreds of Valentine's Day cards graciously donated by Boyd’s Direct to be delivered to clients at Bear Hill Rehabilitation & Nursing Center, Life Care Center of Stoneham,
Arnold House, Fuller House, Stoneham Senior Center, Meals on Wheels, Hope for Boston’s Homeless and the Bridge Recovery Center, along with several other agencies. “Our combined efforts will put a smile on the faces of each of the recipients who may not receive another message like the ones we wrote,” said President David Gardner (Boyd’s Direct). “Everyone’s time and compassion will have a positive impact on those who are often forgotten.” 
President Gardner thanked Membership Chair Craig Celli (Century 21 Celli) for planning this event and for his efforts to grow the Club’s membership and to introduce Rotary to more community members. He also thanked Executive Director Amy Palmerino and Stoneham TV for hosting the meeting.
Our guests included Dave’s wife Joni, Senior Center Director Kristen Spence, Boys and Girls Club Substance Use Prevention Program Director Elizabeth Valett, and Frank and Lois Gould from Hope for Boston’s Homeless. It was so great to have them join us in this community project.

Meet Your Stoneham Rotary Club!

Valentine's Day Introductory Social

What would you think about an organization that provides scholarships to Stoneham high school seniors, polio vaccinations to children in third-world countries, the beautiful and well-used Gazebo on the Town Common, and assistance to local organizations that help senior citizens, veterans, children, and needy families? Do you want to know more?

The Stoneham Rotary Club would like to invite you to an upcoming meeting. Enjoy lunch on us on Valentine's Day with members of the Stoneham Rotary at Evviva Trattoria at Redstone. Find out how you can become involved in Rotary's many charitable endeavors and how Rotary can help your cause!

There is no cost to attend, but RSVP is required. Please click here to sign up. We hope that you can join us on February 14th.

For more information, contact David Gardner at



On Tuesday, October 25th, our District Governor, Alexander Falk, visited our club to share his thoughts on the meaning of the 2022-2023 Rotary theme. The center image reflects the table, that we as Rotarians, join leaders, exchange ideas, and create impact. The seven dots around the perimeter are the Seven Areas of Focus which are illustrated below:
One of the major initiatives for this year is the environment and what Rotary can do to make a difference! The final piece of the theme logo is the green stick below the image. This is an implement that the aborigines from Australia use to plant, nurture, and harvest their crops. Ultimately, this reflects the tools we have at our disposal to create the Rotary we imagine.
Alexander provided thoughts on his journey from his initial introduction to Rotaract, the time lapse before joining The Rotary Club of Marblehead, and his involvement in Rotary Youth Exchange, and ultimately to be selected to be District Governor.
Finally, we had three new Rotarians installed into our club by Alexander. They were Stacey McDaniel of the Life Care Center of Stoneham, Jessica Glezellis of Reading Cooperative Bank, and Ann Marie Doris of the Stoneham Motor Company. Two other new members that will be installed soon are Heather Mell of the Greater Boston Stage Company and Roseanna Rodrigues of Northern Bank. Each of these new members will share some of their personal history at future meetings.
I will send an email to our membership that provides the links to all of the exciting possibilities that Alexander shared with us at his Official Visit for you to use as you define your Rotary journey. Just Imagine Rotary and find ways to make impact locally and throughout the world. There is something for everyone!
Alexander is always available by email at

Valentine's Day
Card Writing Service Project

Type header here


  • Act with integrity and high ethical standards in my personal and professional life
  • Deal fairly with others and treat them and their occupations with respect 
  • Use my professional skills through Rotary to mentor young people, help those with special needs, and improve people’s quality of life in my community and in the world
  • Avoid behavior that reflects adversely on Rotary or other Rotarians
  • Help maintain a harassment-free environment in Rotary meetings, events, and activities, report any suspected harassment, and help ensure non-retaliation to those individuals who report harassment
Craig, Heather, and Roseanna
Steve, Frank, Lois, and Bob
Jan, Elizabeth, Bob, Adam, Joni, and Sharon

It is with great pleasure that the Stoneham Rotary Club reports on its extremely successful literacy project for Stoneham Kindergarten students. Through a generous donation from Stoneham Ford, the club purchased three titles focused on the experiences new students have in their first days going to school through Book Oasis, our local bookstore.

Eighty-six books of each title were delivered to three different schools, including South School, Colonial Park School, and the Robin Hood School. Each school received one title, and when the students complete their title, the books will rotate to the next school until all three books have been read.

When the books have been fully circulated, a portion of the three titles will be distributed to each school and to the public library. The books have all had bookplates placed so future students will know that the Rotary Club of Stoneham is an advocate for learning to read and we hope that this project becomes an annual program. Over 100 students will have the opportunity to read each of these selected titles.

The response was amazing as seen in the photographs and we hope it builds their interest in reading and ultimately has a positive impact on their reading enjoyment and ability.

Thanks to Craig Celli for his collaboration with the teachers, getting the books ordered, and distributing them to each of the schools with Club President Rosanna Rodriguez.

Golf Ball Drop Fundraiser

How would you like to have a chance to win up to $2,500 while also supporting our scholarship program for a Stoneham High School student?

Then consider buying a ticket or a series of tickets to our first-ever golf ball drop. The club is hoping to sell at least 500 chances to this fundraiser which will be a 50/50 distribution of the total dollars raised. The more we sell, the more you win. The tickets are only $10 per chance, and you can get them from a club member or visit Rotary's Ice Cream Sundae Booth during Town Day. You can also buy them online here:
We will number balls from 1-500 (or higher), and a number will be assigned to every ticket. On October 24th at 1:00 pm, fire professionals from Stoneham will lift the bucket of balls and drop all the golf balls from their ladder truck onto the practice green at Unicorn Golf Course. The first ball that drops into the hole will be the winner. If no ball ends up in the cup, the one closest to the pin will be declared the winner.
Thank you, and good luck!

Sign up to Volunteer for Town Day Today!

Town Day was established to celebrate and showcase the Town of Stoneham and its business, recreation, artistic, cultural, and nonprofit communities. Our Club has a tradition of providing ice cream sundaes at the event, and we will be doing so again this year, along with selling raffle tickets to our Golf Ball Drop. Setup begins at 8:30 am; the event runs from 11:00 am - 4:00 pm. Cleanup and breakdown will take an additional hour.
This is an excellent event for our entire Club to come together and make the day a success.
Then click on the 2023 Town Day button to sign up!
We look forward to a fun Town Day!

Stoneham Rotary Welcomes Our Two New Members

The Rotary Club of Stoneham Membership Chair Craig Celli (Century 21 Celli) recently welcomed two new members to the Club – Stonehamites Justin Katz and Lucas Brown Esq.

Justin is a Stoneham native, attended Stoneham High School and was involved with the Greater Boston Stage Company, Stoneham TV, the Boy Scouts of America, town and travel soccer, and the Stoneham High School Drama Club. Justin received his Bachelor of Science from Fitchburg State University - graduating Cum Laude - with a major in professional film & video production and a minor in theatre. He then focused on directing and producing music-related film content, working with companies including Bose and Sony, with artists such as Yo-Yo Ma, Emanuel Ax, and Leonidas Kavakos, and served as in-house video producer at the New England Conservatory of Music.

Justin returned to Stoneham and in 2022 decided to shift focus and to establish Katz Cleaning, a residential cleaning business with an emphasis on using only safe and eco-friendly products and offering a service that is always approached with the utmost respect and care to its customers and their homes.


Lucas is a real estate Attorney for the law firm of Crowley & Cummings, LLC, specializing in both residential and commercial real estate conveyancing, acquisition, and development. Along with his practice and guiding numerous buyers, sellers, developers, and lenders through various real estate matters using his extensive experience in both contract negotiation and title resolution, he teaches continuing education courses for real estate agents throughout Massachusetts as well as guest speaking at various homebuyer seminars throughout the Greater Boston Area.

Lucas earned his Bachelor of Arts degree from Bucknell University, and Juris Doctor from Suffolk University Law School. During his time in law school, he had the opportunity to clerk for the Honorable Alexander H. Sands, III (Ret.) at the Massachusetts Land Court where he gained invaluable experience in the areas of zoning and land use law.

A current resident of Stoneham, MA, Lucas has served as an Associate Member of the Stoneham Board of Appeals and is a current member of the Stoneham Chamber of Commerce.

“We are so excited to welcome Justin and Lucas to our club,” noted Mr. Celli in his introduction of the two new members. “They each bring talents and fresh perspectives that will help our club thrive. We look forward to working with them.  We hope that this trend will grow stronger this year and that we will welcome even more individuals who are looking to make a difference in our community through the fellowship of Rotary.” 

2023 Installation and Recognition Dinner

On Tuesday, June 27th, we will gather at Gaetano’s Restaurant at 271 Main Street in Stoneham at 6:00 pm for a social hour followed by dinner at 7:00 pm. The program will start after dinner.

We will be celebrating the accomplishments of the Stoneham Interact and Rotary Clubs over the past year and celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Rotary Club of Stoneham.

Several Rotarians and Interactors will be presented with Paul Harris Awards, and we will install next year's leadership team.

The cost for the event will be $40 for Rotarians and guests, and the club will cover the cost of all Interactors attending.

You will have a choice of:

Baked Haddock
Chicken, Broccoli, and Ziti
Chicken Parmigiana
or a Vegetarian meal.

To register or modify your registration, please click this link: Register/Modify Registration.

Even as they recognize that club members hold a variety of beliefs and values, all club, district, and zone leaders should use good judgment in conducting meetings, events, and other activities in a way that reflects Rotary's principles of tolerance.

The leaders of Rotary Action Groups and Rotary Fellowships should use the same good judgment to make sure their meetings and events are safe and inclusive environments that reflect our principles.

Members must follow the Rotarian Code of Conduct

As a Rotarian, I will:

  • Act with integrity and high ethical standards in my personal and professional life
  • Deal fairly with others and treat them and their occupations with respect 
  • Use my professional skills through Rotary to mentor young people, help those with special needs, and improve people’s quality of life in my community and in the world
  • Avoid behavior that reflects adversely on Rotary or other Rotarians
  • Help maintain a harassment-free environment in Rotary meetings, events, and activities, report any suspected harassment, and help ensure non-retaliation to those individuals who report harassment

The Rotarian Code of Conduct applies to members from all cultures. Although the customs and norms of cultures vary, it's always important to be aware of what's appropriate. Take your cues from the person who is receiving your comments and actions.

Rotary Club of Stoneham’s members and their guests met at Stoneham Community Television studios for their bi-weekly luncheon meeting.
Attendees wrote messages on hundreds of Valentine's Day cards graciously donated by Boyd’s Direct to be delivered to clients at Bear Hill Rehabilitation & Nursing Center, Life Care Center of Stoneham,
Arnold House, Fuller House, Stoneham Senior Center, Meals on Wheels, Hope for Boston’s Homeless and the Bridge Recovery Center, along with several other agencies. “Our combined efforts will put a smile on the faces of each of the recipients who may not receive another message like the ones we wrote,” said President David Gardner (Boyd’s Direct). “Everyone’s time and compassion will have a positive impact on those who are often forgotten.” 
President Gardner thanked Membership Chair Craig Celli (Century 21 Celli) for planning this event and for his efforts to grow the Club’s membership and to introduce Rotary to more community members. He also thanked Executive Director Amy Palmerino and Stoneham TV for hosting the meeting.
Our guests included Dave’s wife Joni, Senior Center Director Kristen Spence, Boys and Girls Club Substance Use Prevention Program Director Elizabeth Valett, and Frank and Lois Gould from Hope for Boston’s Homeless. It was so great to have them join us in this community project.

Meet Your Stoneham Rotary Club!

Valentine's Day Introductory Social

What would you think about an organization that provides scholarships to Stoneham high school seniors, polio vaccinations to children in third-world countries, the beautiful and well-used Gazebo on the Town Common, and assistance to local organizations that help senior citizens, veterans, children, and needy families? Do you want to know more?

The Stoneham Rotary Club would like to invite you to an upcoming meeting. Enjoy lunch on us on Valentine's Day with members of the Stoneham Rotary at Evviva Trattoria at Redstone. Find out how you can become involved in Rotary's many charitable endeavors and how Rotary can help your cause!

There is no cost to attend, but RSVP is required. Please click here to sign up. We hope that you can join us on February 14th.

For more information, contact David Gardner at



On Tuesday, October 25th, our District Governor, Alexander Falk, visited our club to share his thoughts on the meaning of the 2022-2023 Rotary theme. The center image reflects the table, that we as Rotarians, join leaders, exchange ideas, and create impact. The seven dots around the perimeter are the Seven Areas of Focus which are illustrated below:
One of the major initiatives for this year is the environment and what Rotary can do to make a difference! The final piece of the theme logo is the green stick below the image. This is an implement that the aborigines from Australia use to plant, nurture, and harvest their crops. Ultimately, this reflects the tools we have at our disposal to create the Rotary we imagine.
Alexander provided thoughts on his journey from his initial introduction to Rotaract, the time lapse before joining The Rotary Club of Marblehead, and his involvement in Rotary Youth Exchange, and ultimately to be selected to be District Governor.
Finally, we had three new Rotarians installed into our club by Alexander. They were Stacey McDaniel of the Life Care Center of Stoneham, Jessica Glezellis of Reading Cooperative Bank, and Ann Marie Doris of the Stoneham Motor Company. Two other new members that will be installed soon are Heather Mell of the Greater Boston Stage Company and Roseanna Rodrigues of Northern Bank. Each of these new members will share some of their personal history at future meetings.
I will send an email to our membership that provides the links to all of the exciting possibilities that Alexander shared with us at his Official Visit for you to use as you define your Rotary journey. Just Imagine Rotary and find ways to make impact locally and throughout the world. There is something for everyone!
Alexander is always available by email at

We Connect

Rotary unites more than a million people


Through Rotary clubs, people from all continents and cultures

come together to exchange ideas, and form friendships and

professional connections while making a difference in

their backyards and around the world.


Locally, we are thirty service-minded individuals committed

to Making a Difference, in Stoneham and around the globe.

We Transform

We take action locally and globally


Each day, our members pour their passion, integrity, and intelligence

into completing projects that have a lasting impact.

We persevere until we deliver real, lasting solutions. 


The Rotary Club of Stoneham is focused on young children,

families and seniors providing scholarships,

leadership development, and service projects

which enhance their lives.

We Solve Problems

No challenge is too big for us


For more than 110 years, we’ve bridged cultures and connected continents to

champion peace, fight illiteracy and poverty, promote clean water and

sanitation, and fight disease.


The Rotary Club of Stoneham has been supporting Polio Plus through

the Annual Polar Plunge and will be part of history when polio is

officially eradicated in the next few years.


Join Leaders

Club activities, social events, and volunteer projects

offer networking opportunities that build

personal and professional connections.

Rotarians extend those networks by

visiting other clubs around the globe.


Club Information
Welcome to the Rotary Club of Stoneham!

Service Above Self

We meet In Person & Online
Tuesdays at 12:15 p.m.
See Our Calendar
PO Box 80001
Stoneham, MA 02180
United States of America
2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month
Past Speakers
Raymie Parker
May 23, 2023
Stoneham Pride Committee Update